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Saturday, August 15, 2009

Why Animal Welfare folks are still angry with Vick. . . .

The Philadelphia Eagles signed Michael Vick. The NFL will give him a second chance to play football. The HSUS, hoping to profit from the vicious, brutal way in which Vick killed the pit bulls in his care has worked out a supporting role in Vick's "rehabilitation." HSUS would be the same group that solicited funds on behalf of the remaining dogs while demanding they all be killed. Of course HSUS will advocate on behalf of Vick. They understand the general public donates money to them because they think those funds are actually going to help dogs in their local humane societies. HSUS knows it doesn't matter if the publicity is good or bad - the more times their name is in the paper or reported on the news the more dollars flow to their bank account.

I'd guess the Eagles feel pretty much the same. There have been hundreds of news reports regarding their signing Michael Vick, lots of free publicity and they are probably holding to the belief that the general public will forgive Michael Vick once he scores a touchdown or two. Sadly, they may be right but I hope that the ticket sales for the Eagles plummet. I hope that football fans decide a man who tortures animals and shows no remorse is not a fit role model for them or their children.

Vick served 18 months in a federal penitentiary, he feels he paid his debt to society. He said: "For the life of me I can't understand why I was involved in such a pointless activity. Why did I risk so much at the pinnacle of my career?" He went on to state, "There was a point in my life where I felt it was wrong and I knew it was wrong. To this day I live with the shame and the embarrassment." In response to a question about those who are angry and not ready to forgive him, he said: "I understand to a certain degree, but our country is a country of second chances. I paid my debt to society, I spent two years in prison. That was a humbling experience. I can't explain how deeply hurt and how sorry I was."

So why, after Vick served time and made these statements, are animal welfare advocates so angry? I can't speak for others, but I can tell you why I am angry.

Every statement Michael Vick makes is about himself, how he was hurt or embarrassed or humbled. He talks about what he lost, what the impact was to him. Me, me, me. When has he acknowledged that he tortured and viciously brutalized the dogs who did not live up to the standards imposed on the dogs he used in dog fights?

This man did more than participate in a dog fighting ring. He tortured and brutalized the losers. He laughed and joked while they suffered horribly by his hand. He participated and enjoyed the torture of dogs that were restrained and couldn't break free to run or to protect themselves. The reason so many of us are so angry and do not believe he is sorry is because he actively chose to torture and brutalize these dogs. He has never acknowledged the horror of what he did. His words always refer back to the impact on his life, the money he lost, the embarrassment he felt, the time he spent in prison, the fact that he believes he is entitled to a second chance. He is sorry he was caught, but is he sorry he tortured helpless, restrained dogs and clearly enjoyed their suffering?

I was raised a good little Catholic girl. I was taught not to judge. I really have tried to forgive Michael Vick. I will keep trying. I will try to get the images of the torture he inflicted on those dogs out of my head. Sadly, it seems to be more difficult for me, who only read the police reports, to forget what Michael Vick did to those dogs than it is for him - the person who committed the atrocities. And make no mistake - that is the crux of the matter - Michael Vick personally and with great relish inflicted atrocities on the dogs in his care. How could he? Perhaps even more important is: Why did he?

Michael Vick is partnering with HSUS, the same group who solicited donations that never went to the survivors of his brutality. Instead they actively promoted killing the remaining Vick dogs. He continues to make bad judgements with regard to animal welfare. Michael Vick and HSUS both see this as an opportunity to line their pockets and increase their bank accounts at the expense of the tortured, brutalized, murdered dogs in his care and that is why animal welfare people are so angry! Once again, the innocent dogs are being exploited. Second chance my *ss!


  1. You are 100% right!! This man only worried about himself and any inconvenience getting caught brought him.

  2. Is it possible that the HSUS is ACTUALLY TRYING TO HELP MORE DOGS? I know everyone is looking for someone to blame and point the finger at, but has anyone considered that maybe The HSUS isn't the evil machine that they are often portrayed?!? Maybe I am being devil's advocate, but they have done a ton of good for all animals, and I for one trust that they have the best intentions in this case.

  3. Although HSUS does do some things right, when they do it wrong - they do it wrong in a big way. They solicited funds specifically for the Vick dogs, yet never had possession of any of the dogs. HSUS and PETA came out strongly in favor of euthanizing the Vick dogs. HSUS solicited funds on behalf of the Vick dogs but did not turn the funds over to the rescues who actually saved the dogs. Now they are supporting Michael Vick? I hold Michael Vick accountable for what he did to the dogs in his care. I hold HSUS accountable for demanding the death of the rescued dogs. There's a difference between holding a person or group accountable for their actions and looking for someone to blame.
