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Monday, December 6, 2010

There's snow on the ground, maybe an inch, not all that much but it's cold (18 degrees F). One of the best things about being retired is being able to stay home and not have to venture outside unless I want to. I bundled up earlier, took all the dogs out to potty and then came inside, gave everyone a treat, grabbed a cup of coffee, a book and a throw and hopped on the sofa to read. Cuddling on the sofa with a pack of dogs and a good book is a great way to spend a few hours. . . . .

That's Sweetie, one of our Yorkies, on the left and Punkin, one of our Poms on the right.
Then again our 20 year old grand daughter who currently lives with us, bundled up and walked to the library earlier today. I suppose when you are twenty, its not that big a deal but I'm pretty sure you couldn't pay me to walk 2 miles in this weather. (I'm keeping my options open in case someone wants to offer me a million dollars to take the hike. There's a slim possibility I'll say yes.)

This is Tucker the Llhasa Apso mix in the green sweater and the little Yorkie in the blue shirt is Gaylin. The View From the Gazebo is mighty fine when viewed with these guys!

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