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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Dear Republicans:

Let it go. You misjudged the American people and what they want. The President of the United States is a Democrat. Get over it. Do you want a Republican President in 2016? Okay, here are a few suggestions.

1. Practice what you preach. You want less government? Then stay out of my gynecologist's office. You are not a doctor. Your opinion on abortion should not be law. It is not the government's concern either. Get your transvaginal ultrasound wands out of women's vaginas. Forcing women to endure a medical rape is wrong, stop it. Of course you have a right to state your opposition to abortion. You do not have a right to stop a pregnant woman from having one. Let it go.

2. If you oppose Gay marriage because of  the teachings of your church, realize those are your beliefs not mine. Just as you believe Gay marriage is wrong, I believe it is right. You and I were born heterosexual, just like some people are born gay. Neither side made a lifestyle change, we are what we are. Your religion teaches that God is all powerful so recognize s/he had a powerful reason for making some of us gay. Stop the conversation about gay marriage just grant equal rights to all and move on.

3. The country is changing, please change with it. Many of you are smart, brilliant, creative, wonderful people with a wealth of knowledge and experience to share. Share it with everyone, white, black, Hispanic, Asian and every other citizen in this country. Do you care about others besides middle class white men? I think you do, show it.  Talk to women, blacks, Hispanics, Asians, etc. ask us questions and listen to our answers. You can't be inclusive if you don't talk to us.

4. Helllllloooo! Republican men need to recognize that rape is an act of violence, women do not choose to get raped, they don't enjoy it, they aren't looking for it, they can rarely prevent a stronger, determined man from committing it. Women do not have some secret secretion in their bodies that will prevent a pregnancy occurring from a rape. Recognize rape is a crime of violence and support the victims of rape. When a Republican politician refers to "legitimate" rape, or indicates a woman's body will reject pregnancy when they are raped, or makes other equally ignorant statements stop backing and supporting those politicians. There is no excuse for such attitudes in the 21st Century.  Run, do not walk, away from those people. Republicans everywhere need to educate themselves on rape and then drum the "war on women fools" out of the party. You will not lose anything important. 

5. You could solve the immigration problem. Some of the smartest people in this country are Republicans. Stop fighting and find a solution. The majority of Americans will not agree to deport American children born in this country of illegal aliens. If their parents are good citizens, find a workable way for the children to be naturalized and the parents to become citizens. You want to deport the low life and criminals? No problem, so do the Democrats.  Fair immigration reform will win more than the Hispanic vote, you'll win many Democrats too.   

6. Disavow the extremists. Michelle Bachman, Eric Cantor, Grover Norquist and others of the same ilk need to go. Bachman is incredibly ignorant on so many subjects that she brings down the collective IQ of the entire Republican party by at least 50 points. Cantor grandstands but has no real economic comprehension. America can not afford rigid, arrogant, self serving politicians anymore. Norquist highjacks and intimidates elected Republicans by bullying them to sign a no new taxes pledge. Get rid of the fools who sign the pledge along with Norquist. Elected officials need to be able to negotiate on issues and follow the directive of the voters who put them in office not blindly follow other politicians such as Norquist. If a new tax is out of line, any politician, Republican or Democrat should vote against it without a pledge forcing them to vote it down and if the tax is beneficial, they also have an obligation to vote in support of it. Rush Limbaugh, ugh. He is not enhancing the Republican party. Dump him.

7. Find an honorable, strong leader to put forth as a candidate for 2016. No more Bachman, Gingrich, Santorum, Romney, Ryan types. While they each may have had some value, overall each was not a strong, honorable leader. Americans are not simpletons, we know fools when we see them. Find a candidate with a strong belief in the people of this country. Someone who wants to work with 100% of Americans and does not write off  47% of the population or think of us as "you people."  The next candidate should be willing to release at least 5 yrs of tax returns and should recognize the difference between personal beliefs and political issues.If the next candidate can run a campaign without trashing their opponent, they will have my vote and a lot of others as well. We want to know what the candidate believes, not what they don't like about their opponent. (This goes for Democrats too but I'm trying to help the Republicans right now.)

8. Last, but not least, understand the majority of this country, regardless of race, color, religion, sexual orientation or gender is moderate. There are always going to be crackpots on both sides of the aisle. Ignore them. Crazy liberals and extreme conservatives don't have enough support to put anyone in office so stop catering to them. You don't have to insult them or anger them but you also don't have to agree with them. Moderation, bipartisanship, willingness to work toward the middle, knowing when to stand strong and when to compromise ~ those are what we are looking for in a leader. All Americans, regardless of party, want a leader. You give us that, we'll support you.

Everything else. . . let it go.