I laugh out loud everytime I watch When Harry Met Sally. Sleepless in Seattle makes me feel warm and fuzzy and I mourn the loss of the bookstore while cheering the romance in You've Got Mail.
Her movies made me laugh and cry.
She didn't like growing old but wrote such hilarious accounts that she made all of us feel a little better. Since growing old is better than the alternative, she not only made us laugh, she made us feel like we were all members of the same club. I Feel Bad About My Neck is best appreciated by those over 45 and I Remember Nothing is still one of my favorites.
These are some of the movies that came from this brilliant, funny lady:
Nora was one of those people who played a quiet, indirect role in our life. Her humor, her joy, her love of life and her talent to share all of that became a part of our culture, a part of our collective history . Thank you for making me laugh and thank you for showing me the foolishness of taking myself too seriously. I will miss you. God Speed Nora.