I rescue dogs. I prefer to work with puppy mill dogs, but I'll help any that I can. Sometimes I transport from one place to another. Sometimes I foster until a forever home can be found. Sometimes I hold a dog until a rescue can be located to help it. Most times I am genuinely proud of the rescue community. They do amazing, loving, essential work. Overall, rescue people are good people. But every now and again, I am saddened by behavior in the community.
The announcement this week regarding the "First Dog" is one of those occassions. The Obama family did everything right, they researched the breeds that were considered least likely to create problems for a daughter with allergies, they checked shelters and rescues, they talked to owners of the breed, and they accepted a puppy as a gift from Senator Kennedy when the puppy was returned to the breeder.
Yes, it is a purebreed and no, they did not adopt from a shelter. This is a nice family who have added a rambunctious dog to their family and their active lifestyle. A local shelter received a donation from the Obama's and the public will get to watch the trials and tribulations as the family works with a trainer so they all learn to help Bo be the dog he is meant to be. The discussions that have occurred about adopting from shelters or rescues will help lead the public to adopt dogs from these havens. Watching the exploits of Bo and the first family will help others learn to be responsible pet owners.
Like most in rescue, I would have loved to see the Obama's adopt a dog from a shelter or a rescue group. It would have sent a strong message to the public. As sometimes happens, what we want and what we get are not always the same. It's time for rescue to get over their snit.
It seems counter productive to speculate on what the Obama's "should have done." The First Dog is here, he's adorable and clearly going to be a handful. I look forward to watching the adventures of Bo and the Obama family. From watching Bo's introduction yesterday, it looks like it's going to be a fun year! Welcome home Bo!